Shri Madurai Meenakshi Sundhareswarar Thiru Kalyanam: The historic event happened at RK Convention Center Marriage Hall on 16th December 2023

RK Convention Center Marriage Hall had a golden and God blessed opportunity to conduct Shri Madurai Meenakshi Sundhareswarar Thiru Kalyanam, the historic event happened on 16th December 2023 in our RK Convention Center - Marriage Hall and this is the first time in history Shri Madurai Meenakshi Sundhareswarar Thiru Kalyanam, happened out of Madurai Meenakshi Amman temple.

The event was organised by IMPA, we are thankful to them for choosing our venue, they consider our RK Convention Center Marriage Hall because of the location, facilities, amenities, easy accessibility to VVIPS and other notable personalities and public.

Hon’ble Indian Central Defence Minister, Shri Rajnath Singh, was the guest of honour,

This is the first time all Adheenams from Tamil Nadu gathered at one marriage hall which created a powerful spiritual atmosphere in our RK Convention Center Marriage Hall with the mantras they were chanting, which made our RK Convention Center Marriage hall a holy place.

RK Convention Center Management have been blessed and given a precious opportunity to donate the Thirumangalyam for the God's marriage which was held on 16th Dec 2023 at RK Convention Center Marriage Hall.

The ceremony skillfully blended tradition with modernity, unfolding with comfort and grace to our RK Convention Center Marriage Hall.

Hon’ble Minister of State for Hindu Endowment Ministry Shri P K. Sekar Babu along with BJP Tamil Nadu State President Thiru K Annamalai and other Central and State Government officials, esteemed business personalities attended the historic marriage function at our RK Convention Center Marriage Hall.

In humble conclusion, Shri Madurai Meenakshi Sundhareswarar Thiru Kalyanam at RK Convention Center Marriage Hall was a beautiful convergence of History, Spirituality, and Community.

As a goodwill gesture and appreciation, after this event successfully took place in our RK Convention Center Marriage Hall, our Hon’ble Indian Central Defence Minister, Shri Rajnath Singh, invited the complete organizing Committee of IMPA, including our RK Convention Center Chairman Thiru R Karunanithi and A2B’s Managing Director Thiru K.T. Srinivasa Raja for lunch at his residence in Delhi the following week after the marriage. Which is a great honour for us, all these were made possible by the blessings of God.

RK Convention Center & AMRK Banquet Halls,
4/111, East Coast Road, Neelankarai
9444550000/9444551111/9444552222/ 9444553333

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Micheal Martin